The Incident Command System防災とくしまポッドキャスト Podcast No.30 T of the USA(ポッドキャスト第30回の英訳)



Podcast No.30 The Incident Command System of the USA(ポッドキャスト第30回の英訳)

Burton Clark (FEMA)






This podcast is provided by the Tokushima Prefectural Government as part of preparations against the Tonankai / Nankai Earthquake.

Each podcast features a different guest speaker with experience in disaster prevention to talk about current affairs and recent developments.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency of the United States is designed to respond to a variety of emergencies, from large scale natural disasters to terrorism, infectious diseases and other emergency situations.

The Incident Command System now in use by FEMA was based on a system originally used by FIRESCOPE in California that proved efficient in the response to large-scale forest fires.

Burton Clark, who has a variety of experience in emergency response with FEMA, joins us today to talk about the ICS.

